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Speedy Reading

“Read to oneself” is an achievement of the Renaissance era. In Antiquity and the Middle Ages people read books out loud. According to Google calculations, humankind has created over 130 million books in its entire history. A French Ophthalmologist Louis Emile Javal introduced a new method to increase the reading speed. To accomplish this, a device called Tachistoscope was used. However this training was not given to school children or university students at first instead the military pilots were trained to distinguish between their own and enemy aircrafts as quickly as possible

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June / 2020 Issues


A Science with Status

The word “statistics” came from the Latin word status, which means a “composition or state.” Simply put, statistics shows the state of affairs in a field of phenomenon. It is a science that looks at patterns while analyzing large volumes of data.


Experiments with Behavior

People have always followed the habits of animals with which they somehow interacted. Knowing how a mammoth behaves when it is attacked by hunters and under what conditions a bear pounces in the forest has helped mankind stay alive and find food. In determining the similarities and differences in the behavior of animals, a person begins to better understand himself, and at the same time learns how to more effectively and safely use available natural resources and develop pharmacology and medicine.


Another Life

All life on planet Earth is based on carbon compounds. However, according to scientists, carbon is not the only chemical element capable of giving rise to life. There are other candidates.


Playing with Fire

Many chemists and scientists were, at some point in their childhood, attracted to bright special effects: the changing colours of sparks and bright crackles of fireworks. Growing up, we become used to technicolour fireworks shows and firecrackers. Many people even think that nothing ever changes in pyrotechnics. But, in fact, experts continue to look for new improvements, and they don’t think only about the spectacle – the brightness of flames, their colours, and the duration of burning – but also about safety, including environmental protections.

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