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March / 2019 Issues


Food Poisoning

“All thing are poison; all things are medicine; only the dose makes the poison” said the famous Paracelsus. This quote means that anything, even the sweetest treat can harm you if you are not aware of its amount. The saturation centre of our brains should save us from overeating, but when it comes to fat, salt and sugar- three giants of the fast food industry- a person loses control.



Facts on Tomatos

Tomatoes are an integral ingredient in modern cooking. Cherry tomatoes, tomato paste, ketchup; these products can be found practically in any refrigerator. You won’t surprise anyone with the expression quote read as a tomato. Sometimes we argue about how to best ripen tomatoes. Tomatoes are very reminiscent of the poisonous night shade and due to frequent poisonings people began to fear the edible fruits too. The botanical classification of tomatoes in the Solanaceae family alarmed many.




Weather in the Solar system

The climate on earth is changing all the time. We keep hearing about cataclysms; record temperature, rainfalls, hurricanes...However the conditions on Earth are quite comfortable by cosmic standards but the weather in the solar system varies from planet to planet.


Around the World by any means

The first round – the – world adventure cost the seafarers their lives but their brave followers kept trying. Circumnavigating the globe today is much easier than in the past centuries and most ordinary people can safely embark on such a journey.  To qualify for a world trip the route must meet certain criteria established by various International federations.



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